Sunday 17 July 2016

                                                   SUBJECT COMPETENCY TEST
1. Curriculum comprises all the learning which is planned and guided by the school, whether it is         carried on in groups or individually inside or outside of the school.-
             a) Kerr b) Cunningham c) The Secondary Education Commission  d)none of these
2. The principles for curriculum designing are ………
                  a) Principle of Continuity b. Principle of Accuracy c) all the above d) none of these
3.  In concentric teaching …………occurs?
              a) Recall    b) Temporal repetition c) all the above d) none of these
4)……… at the core of a spiral curriculum
            a) Learning by doing b) feedback c) all the above d) none of these
5) Learning by Doing is important because of
                  a) thought-demanding tasks b) retention c) all the above d) none of these
6) Learning Management System is a global term for a computer system for…………?
                 a) Managing online courses b) allowing collaboration between students and teachers
                 c) All the above d) none of the above
7) E-learning may involve the use? 
             a) VLE    b) Portfolios   c) none of the above d) all the above
8) Blended learning also called ……………?
                 a) e-learning b) m-learning c) hybrid learning d) none of these
9) Non-Academic Journals include:
           a) Pre-prints    b) Refereed journals     c) Trade Journal       d) Bulletins
10)…………………….is a historical resource used in teaching social science.
          a) Archives, b) Banks    c) Panchayat         d) all the above
11)  Technological Content Knowledge
            a) Affordances and constraints of technology as an enabler of different teaching                     approaches
            b) To knowledge about how technology may be used to provide new ways of teaching                  content
         c) Knowledge about how to combine pedagogy and content effectively      d) none
12)  Web-based learning is a subset of e learning and refers to learning using an internet browser such as
     a) The Moodle      b) blackboard c) internet explorer d) all the above
13) E learning is a learning program that makes use of an information network- such as
          a) The internet, b) an intranet (LAN) c) extranet (WAN) d) all the above
14)  ………… defined as digital text and images designed for display on web pages.

15) …………….. is a political resource used in social science teaching.
16) ………… knowledge refers to an understanding of the way that technologies are used in a specific content domain
17) Web-based learning is a subset of …………and refers to learning using an internet browser such as the Moodle, blackboard or internet explorer
18) The ………….. Framework argues that effective integration of three components: Technology, Pedagogy, and Content.
19) Curriculum is a tool in the hands of the Artist (Teacher), to mound his/her materials (Students), according to his/her ideals (objectives) in his/her studio (College/School).
  a) Cunningham b) The Secondary Education Commission c) Kerr d) none
20) The principles for curriculum designing are ………
        a) Principle of Sequencing b). Principle of Continuity c) all the above   d). None
21)   The feature of concentric method is …………
22) Operant conditioning B) classical conditioning C) behaviorism D) none
23) ……….. is at the core of a spiral curriculum
         a) Readiness to learn b) learning from sources c) all the above d) none of these
24) Learning by Doing is important because of
            a) Active use of knowledge b) empowering and flexible knowledge base 
            c)                All the above       d) none of these
25) Learning Management System is a global term for a computer system for
a)            managing online courses b) distributing course materials c) all the above d)none of the above

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