Monday 14 December 2015

What is the Energy Conservation?

National energy conservation day in India is celebrated to aware people about the importance of energy as well as saving or conserving the more energy by using less energy. The exact means of energy conservation is using less energy by avoiding the unnecessary uses of energy. Using energy efficiently is very necessary to save it for the future usage. Energy conservation should be rooted in the behavior of every human being to get more effect towards the plan of energy conservation.
One can save the energy by deeply taking care of it such as turning off the unnecessarily running fans, lights, submersible, heater, combining car trips or other electric things of daily usage. These are the more easier and efficient way to save extra uses of energy thus playing the great role towards the campaign of national energy conservation.
Fossil fuels, Crude oil, Coal, natural gas and etc generate sufficient energy for the use in daily life but increasing the demands of it day by day creates the fear of reducing or diminishing the natural resources. Energy conservation is the only way which helps in replacing the non-renewable resources of energy with the renewable energy.
In order to aware the energy users for less energy consumption as well as to make efficient energy conservation, energy or carbon taxes has been employed by the government in different countries. Tax on high energy consumption reduces the energy use by the users as well as promotes limited energy use among users.
People must aware that bright lighting at their work places leads to the variety of problems like stress, headache, blood pressure, fatigue and reduces work efficiency of workers. Whereas, natural day lighting enhances the productivity level of workers and reduces the energy consumption.
Petroleum Conservation Research Association was established by the Indian government in India in the year 1977 to promote energy efficiency and conservation among Indian people in their every walk of life. This is a big step taken by the government of India for energy conservation to a great level. Another government organization in India, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, has also been set up in 2001 for better energy efficiency and conservation.
What are the Energy Conservation Measures
  • Insulation also plays big role in energy conservation by decreasing the thermal losses in winter seasons as well as thermal gains in summer seasons. For example; natural wool insulation, house insulation, cotton insulation, VOCs in fiberglass insulation, thermal insulation, cellulose insulation and etc.
  • Windows are the big energy conservation contributing factors other than thermal curtains, Smart windows or films.
  • A big amount of energy can be saved by the natural lightings and compact fluorescent lamp or CFL (15W and consumes only 1/4th of the energy consumed by other means), Fluorescent bulbs, Linear fluorescent retrofit, Solar charged flashlight, Sky lights, Smart windows, LED lighting and Solar lights.
  • Water conservation also leads to the better energy conservation. There is wastage of around thousands of gallons water per year by the people which can be prevented through various means of water saving solutions like 1.6 GPM or less low flow showerheads, Ultra low flush toilet, Faucetaerator, Composting toilets and etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         